Thursday, December 18, 2008

National Boil Your Toothpaste Day

It came to me in a dream. Which is where most national celebrations, like this one, must originate from.

Waking up today and noticing the outside temperature reading in the single digits (4° F), the thought of hot toothpaste didn't seem like such a bad idea.

It's worth the effort and is sure to quickly get you into the Christmas spirit.

I think you will agree, once you have experienced the true luxury of boiling hot toothpaste, you will be scrambling to mark this date on next years calendar so you can celebrate it for years to come!

As an added bonus: What better way to celebrate Brad Pitt and Christina Aguilera's Birthdays.
Águila is the Spanish word for Eagle! Check out more weird holidays celebrated on December 18th.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Banks Magazine: Immersion Research ad shoot.

Well, we are now distributing our 3rd edition of the Banks Mag.
We are a locally produced mag out of Banks, ID. Loosely based around whitewater kayaking in the summer months, and soon to be covering snowboarding, skiing, skateboarding, etc. for the winter months. Any how, for the late summer 2008 edition, we were recruited by Immersion research to design an ad. Mike McKee inspired the idea for the ad (and also got Immersion Research on board as one of our advertisers). "How about a photo of what we do every day: hitchhike to paddle the North Fork Payette?" So here is the process we went about getting the photos for the ad.

Yes McKee, we are gonna need our paddles.

Luckily our boss, Phil White, at Bear Valley River Co., let us borrow his truck. Also his girlfriend, Wendy, let us borrow a bale of hay. We had our fellow employee, Shane, drive us up to go kayaking.

Now of course if we wanted it to look like were going kayaking we decided to really go kayaking. So, I thought it would be a good idea to get some shots on the way up. I also thought it would be a good idea to stand up in the back of the truck while we were ripping up Hwy 55. Mike, Melissa and Preston thought it wasn't a good idea but they did think it was funny.

The temperature read about 105° F on the stick this particular day and we hadn't brought any water for our mid-day shoot in the blazing sun. Everyone did really well, despite the miserable heat, dehydration and the seemingly ridiculous directions from the photographer (me).

So here it is: the final ad. With the creative guidance of McKee, I was able to come up with this tag line: "Gear for the rich and famous."

I think that kind of sums up our lifestyle.

A Big thanks also goes out to Roger from Immersion Research for helping to support the Banks Mag.

Check out more photos at, and videos at!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Fall Up Tour


During the last decade of my life I have spent most of or all of each summer working as a River Guide. Its a sweet gig, camp near the river, spend everyday running rapids, either kayaking with my friends or getting paid to guide rafts and cook meals for guests. As well as spend most of my free time either riding my skateboard or road tripping to new rivers and skate parks. It always seem too good to be true. And it sorta is because its a seasonal lifestyle. Once again Fall is here, the rafting season has ended, and such change annually affects several aspects of my life.
In the form of pros and cons it would look like this:

Cons: Pros:

Less work. ---> More time to visit friends and family.
Colder weather for camping. ---> More incentive for visiting friends and family
No water in the rivers makes for no kayaking. ---> I've been kayaking all summer and I'm looking for something else fun to do.
Less income. ---> A great reason for a hitchhiking road trip.

So with this list being the idea behind my next project; let me tell you a little more about my plans. Inevitably, each year, September arrives with the daunting question: What to do until the snow falls? 7 of the last 9 years I've taken the easy way out and made the trip out to West Virginia's Gauley River for another 6 to 8 weeks of Guiding and Kayaking. So basically, I've been there and done that. I'm looking for something off of my own beaten path and decided to pack up my sleeping bag, skateboard, and Nikon D70s and hit the road. I'll be leaving my car in Boise, Idaho and using my feet and thumbs (and a Sharpie marker) to get my self to Santa Barbara, CA and back to the City Of Trees.

I'm going to be leaving from Boise (hopefully by ride share on Craigslist) on Thursday Sept. 11th. headed for Truckee, CA. From there I plan to make stops in Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara.

I'll try to keep this blog updated as often as possible as well as my calendar/itinerary. As you can see I only have a few things penciled in so far. Please let me know if you have a couch or yard where I can stay or if you know of any rides headed to where I'm going.

Cool. I'll be keeping ya'll posted.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Please Visit My New Site

“We're More Than Just A Slogan!”

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

a clever saying proves nothing

Welcome to my new blog. Its a shame about raisins. Its been rainning everyday in Haiku. Thats where i live at the mo'. Saturday we saw some of the heaviest rains in years. And coincidentally Dave Nelson and Friends played a show at the Pawela Cannery, including Billy Kruetzman on drums. Meanwhile in the same room these crazy glass artists led by Charles Lowrie were building a 3-D Steal Your Face. I guess it was pretty cool. Check out to see the latest videos by EndlessOrbitProductions.